It’s a kinda luxurious. How does gold facial mask work?


Every woman deserves a little bit of cosmetic luxury, at least once in a blue moon. One of its form is taken by gold facial mask. Not only does it look mind-blowing but also it works wonders. See for yourself and apply this cosmetic of priceless properties.

A long time ago…

It’s been long since gold has found its application in cosmetics. It was used for beautifying and medicinal purposes by various ancient cultures. It was applied to combat inflammations, rheumatic disorder and bowel ailments. At the end of 19th century, Robert Koch discovered that gold is able to impede multiplication of bacteria responsible for causing tuberculosis. Apart from that, it was proven that gold has a positive impact on circulatory system and internal organs, it slows down infection progress and displays rejuvenating action. In the field of cosmetology, gold is recognized for its ability to soothe inflammations and balance the level of collagen and elasticin.

How to apply gold facial mask?

Contrary to popular beliefs, application of gold facial mask isn’t that easy, therefore it’s better to make an appointment at a beautician’s to have it done professionally. An experienced person knows how to spread the cosmetic evenly and evaluate its action. Basically, you can also give a try to a regular gold facial masks available in most drugstores. However, the action delivered by such product might appear to be less effective than the professional treatment.

In a beauty parlour, a beautician will remove your make-up precisely and then apply face polish to get the access the healthy and young epidermis cells. When your skin is finally smoothed out, the beautician will apply hyaluronic acid and massage your face – this facilitates penetration of the acid. This procedure replenishes skin with water, stimulates blood circulation as well as promotes skin suppleness and elasticity. Once the hyaluronic acid is absorbed, the beautician proceeds with putting on gold facial mask. After its removal, face is treated with argan oil. Next, another session of face messaging follows. The particles of gold penetrate skin to reach its inner layers. Also, skin wins a protective layer that shouldn’t be removed, yet left until it gets air-dry.

How does gold facial mask work?

Facial mask containing gold displays beneficial action both to skin surface and to its inner layers. Thanks to this cosmetic:

  • skin is refreshed and lightened up;
  • elasticity and suppleness of skin is improved;
  • epidermis self-regeneration follows;
  • fine lines are slightly reduced;
  • skin is replenished with water;
  • skin wins radiant look.

Types of skin and gold facial masks

There are plenty of gold facial masks to choose from. For example, you can find 24K gold facial masks. There are also products which feature fairly low concentration of gold. Basically, you can pick and choose from the following facial products: sheet masks, cream masks, facial masks with collagen, peel offs, and even products which form resembles flakes of gold. As it isn’t hard to guess, the price for gold facial masks and beauty treatments that take advantage of this chemical element don’t belong to the group of the cheapest beauty procedures. The cost of a beautician’s appointment or a cosmetic might reach even a hundred pounds.

Does gold facial mask trigger allergic reactions?

It’s said that cosmetics featuring this precious gold are safe and aren’t supposed to cause any adverse reactions. Nevertheless, people allergic to gold can’t use any cosmetics containing this element. Moreover, application of beauty products containing gold isn’t recommended for breastfeeding and pregnant women as well as for people suffering from renal failure. If you aren’t sure whether you can apply the very cosmetics, run a patch test first. Apply gold facial mask to a small skin area and wait 24 hours. No irritations noticed? You can use gold facial mask freely.

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