Damaged Hair. Do you know how to fight back various sources of it?

Hello Girls,

You would probably agree with me that one of the worst moments of your lives is when you want to wear a hat all day, even at home. Of course, I’m talking here about, so-called, The Bad Hair Day. Ok, when this kind of situation happens rarely, we can cope with that. But what if your hair looks bad for the majority of time, if the strands are significantly weakened and they fall out in galore? Well, then we can’t say that this is just one-day-only, miserable time in our hair’s life (and a woman as well). This is the moment to face the truth and start looking for some help to combat either this serious ailment or damage in hair and hair bulbs structure.

Types of hair damage

Hair of each of us is exposed to various types of damage, and this is certain. We can combat some of them thanks to cosmetics whereas the others require a doctor’s intervention or, sometimes, changing of our lifestyle. So as to facilitate curing the scalp, trichologist divided types of hair damage into a few variations. Here they are:

  • natural – connected with the influence of the external factors;
  • chemical – they occur when we expose our hair to hairdresser’s treatments such as dyeing, lightening up, perm;
  • mechanical – are connected with improper brushing and using particular accessories (metal bobby pins, tight ties, combs made of synthetic materials);
  • physical – connected with exposing the hair to high temperature.

Natural factors

This type of damage is connected with the action of rain or chlorinated water, wind or sun. Moreover, the state of hair is also influenced by urban pollution, smog and bathing in salt sea water. As a consequence, strands become weak, brittle and matte. They start falling out, turning rough as their ends split. Also, if you don’t put any headwear on during the summer, you can expect your hair to get lightened up with time.

Chemical factors

Damage of this kind affect people who often dye their hair, light it up or expose to substances used for perm. I’m talking here about the habitués of hairdresser salons as well as those who don’t need a specialist to expose their hair to such treatments. How chemical damage of hair structure is caused? In plain English, the substances included in colour products penetrate into the inner structures of strands leading to dehydration, roughness and shine loss. Hence, if the state of your hair hasn’t been precisely defined before a procedure, and if a hairdresser hasn’t used nourishing products, it can be taken for granted that the hair will suffer damage.

Mechanical factors

These in turn cause steam damage. Mechanical damage develops when we brush wet hair, use improper combs or hair accessories (bobby pins, ties, hairbands), backcomb hair, roll the strands and rub them with a towel fiercely. This group of damage also includes playing with hair, which means, for example, rolling a wisp of hair around a finger.

Physical factors

They contribute to significant hair weakening, shine and colour loss, roughness and, as a consequence, to the problem of excessive hair loss. Physical factors, the ones which damage hair, also include the use of devices and tools that generate high temperatures (blow-dryers, hair curlers, flat irons).

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