Proteins for hair. How to regenerate and rebuild strands?

Hey! Keratin is basic protein constituting the main element of our hair’s structure. Proteins, in turn, are made of amino acids such as cysteine which, in fact, is the most important amino acid in keratin. It’s cysteine in particular that provides hair with elasticity and makes it resistant to damages. But how proteins are connected […]


My ways of dealing with dry elbows and knees

Elbows and knees are the skin areas that are highly exposed to scrapes and frostbites. Skin covering the very body parts is fast to exfoliate and chap, which doesn’t only look really bad but also it itches and is painful. How to deal with this when a moisturising cream fails to help? What are dark […]


What’s hidden in cosmetics? Microplastics hazardous for life and environment

Hi! Recently the cosmetic market has welcomed quite a number of glitter beauty products. Indeed, they look cool and their colours are intriguing, they are also said to work really well. But do you know for sure what they really contain? Well, the very glitter isn’t a kind of a conditioning substance of shimmering properties, […]


Winter hair care: 4 useful tricks

Hello! I bet many of you would agree with me that winter is a tough time for hair. Our strands are exposed to various weather conditions, mixed with not necessarily proper hair care, and mechanical damages strictly connected with winter clothing. Therefore, if your hair hasn’t been looking too good lately, and if you notice […]


Sensitive skin care – my methods

Red spots, burning, itching, small pimples – sensitive skin reacts to a new cosmetic and products with strong action, chlorinated water as well as rapid temperature changes. How to identify sensitive skin and how to distinguish it from allergy-prone and couperose skin types? What should the care of sensitive skin look like? Here are my ways […]


It’s a kinda luxurious. How does gold facial mask work?

Hey! Every woman deserves a little bit of cosmetic luxury, at least once in a blue moon. One of its form is taken by gold facial mask. Not only does it look mind-blowing but also it works wonders. See for yourself and apply this cosmetic of priceless properties. A long time ago… It’s been long […]


When to See a Dermatologist? Blemishes & Diseases You Might be Neglecting

Hi, there! Did you know that a beautician can substitute for a doctor in some cases? I don’t mean the flu or catching a cold but various skin lesions and poorer state of hair. An aesthetician can also tell you if it is high time you visited a dermatologist. Which diseases, ailments and imperfections is […]


Have your hair undergone keratin treatment? Find out how to take care of your straightened strands

Hello! It’s typical for keratin hair straightening treatment to make hair smooth and glossy. On the other hand though, such treatment is responsible for weighing strands down which isn’t preceived as a looked-for effect. In order to let the positive outcomes last longer, we have to take care of the hair properly. How to do […]


How to take care of chapped lips in the winter? Natural home remedies

Hey there! During winter the presence of chapped lips tends to increase. It can take a long time to regenerate our lips which is not good news because chapped lips are painful. If you also experience such issues, check how to prevent it using home remedies. What causes chapped lips? There are two reasons for […]


Uncontrollable Hair Loss. What Causes Hair Thinning?

Thinning hair is my nightmare! Every spring I lose significantly more hair than normally, and I’d like to draw your attention to the fact that it’s perfectly normal for hair to fall out. The things get a little bit out of hand when you observe that you’re shedding visibly more hair than you used to. What […]