Let’s Fight the Cellulite! Treatments, Cosmetics & Home Care

Hello, girls! 

Hands up those of you who have cellulite. There are few girls who enjoy the smooth and firm skin, right? Others must deal with the lumps of fat and unwanted pounds. Luckily, there are simple ways for keeping your bodies beautiful and smooth.

What is cellulite?

Cellulite – known as the orange peel – affects lots of people, no matter the age, sex, weight and skin type. Hormone imbalance, sedentary lifestyle, diet and limited physical activity are blamed for its occurrence. How does cellulite come into being? It is connected with the improper location of the fatty tissue. It usually affects thighs, buttocks, knees, hips and shoulders. Orange peel isn’t dangerous but it definitely makes women feel less attractive.

How to prevent cellulite?

Firstly, check the level of hormones. If the concentration of estrogen is too high, you’re in the risk group and likely to have cellulite in the future. Secondly, enrich your diet with fresh vegetables and fruit and still water. Don’t eat processed food and unhealthy snacks. Avoid alcohol, fizzy drinks and cigarettes. Do sports regularly and nourish your skin. Once a week, do a massage with a special glove and tightening product. Don’t forget about scrubs that will increase blood and lymph circulation, firm the skin up and break the fat lumps.

Anti-Cellulite Treatments

If home treatments fail and you face the advanced form of cellulite, you must see the doctor to undergo laser, ultrasound or airwaves therapy. The procedures guarantee breaking of fat lumps, smoothness, tightness, as well as boosted blood and lymph flow in skin cells.

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